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Applying for your 2019 Maine Moose Permit

Writer's picture: Jerod KronholmJerod Kronholm

I wanted to go over a few things about this years permit numbers and process. Good news for moose hunters. The MDIFW has requested an increase in this years permits to be issued in both bull and cow tags. This should all be approved within the next few weeks, and will give an additional 300 permits to this years lottery.

For those of you who have had a tough time getting your name drawn in the lottery, we understand your frustration. There are a few ways to increase your odds however. First, we recommend applying for 10 zones (not just 1 or 2 zones which some people do). You will greatly increase your chance, because you are adding several hundred additional permits to your choices. We also do not recommend accepting any additional zone other than the 10 that you choose. The reason for this is because there are several zones on that list with low success rates compared to the overall 80% of most other zones. The zones we recommend applying for are following:


All of those zones have good success rates, and a healthy population of moose. You can always try and trade your permit if you are not happy with the one you chose. We have had good luck in trading permits in the past and would be glad to help if you are hunting with us.

Another thing to note is that normally there is only one week in between the two bull seasons. Meaning a bull season would happen during the last week of September, one week off, and then another season would follow. Which should have put the seasons like this Sept 23-Sept 28 and Oct 7-12. Which would have put them much closer to the rut. This year, for reasons I am unsure of the state changed the October season to 14-19 which is a post rut hunt. It will be difficult to get bulls to respond to the call. You can still certainly hunt trophy bulls during this time and may be able to call one out, but its much more difficult.

We wish you the best of luck in applying for your Maine moose permit, and hope to hunt with you this season!

- Jerod

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Maine bull moose in the rut with his cow

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